Tuesday, November 2, 2010


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This post is going to be somewhat picture heavy. Halloween is just better when it’s seen and not heard.

I must say the week and a half ordeal that was Halloween in Tokyo was quite entertaining. We were the costumed crazies who went to clubs, drank in public, and sang our hearts out in karaoke. To be perfectly honest, Halloween in Tokyo is not so different than in the states except that, maybe, what is shockingly odd here involves a weirdness of a much higher magnitude than back home. Most costumes were relatively typical or admirable in their standing out from the crowd, but there was one person who managed to take the creep factor to the next level. No, it was not the guy that showed up in Whinnie-the-Pooh tighty whities and suspenders, or the girl who decided to do a crack whore rendition of Lady GaGa (well maybe it was just a regular GaGa costume). Rather, this young man put a lot of thought and effort into his costume, which words do not suffice to describe. The weirdest thing about it was how well he wore his clothing and played the character. The day before I saw him at the party, I had asked this mouse named individual what he was going to be. His response? “Well, a couple people have seen it… and they’ve all just said ‘What the fuck?’” When I saw this, this thing, it smiled at me with bright red lipstick smeared across its lips. All I could do was say I needed a few minutes to gather myself. You’ll see him easily.

At the club, our quartet was admired by quite a few of the Japanese patrons. Roppongi is the clubbing district that is geared more towards the Japanese who live in Tokyo as opposed to Shibuya which is more foreigner friendly. I will cover the outside area of Roppongi and why I may never go back in the future but inside club Vanity we had a great time. Several drunk individuals tried to drink my head, and one Japanese girl actually tried to pull my hat off. Halloween is not that popular in Japan, most people do not celebrate it. For the four of us to go in costume, a week before the actual holiday to a club that was primarily Japanese was definitely going to make us stand out. The Doraemon, beer head, cop, school girl combination went over great.

oh yeah, and i did get chased by a tigger with a whip


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